
More hatemail? Surely a misunderstanding

The number of people blogging for (or rather against) Alitalia is growing. The latest fashionable anti-Alitalia craze has been growing with the help of http://alitalia.blog.co.uk/

The blog is dedicated into the common cause of bringing Alitalia to it's knees, making a same impossible and destroying the brand.

The airline's disrespectful and unethical business tactics have enraged passengers across the globe. Time for the Italian boys to go home and stop flying planes they can't manage.



Alitalia name origin

Didn't you always wonder where the Alitalia name is coming from?

ALITALIA - Always Late In Takeoff Always Late In Arrival

or even:

ALITALIA - Air Line In Tokyo And Luggage In Amsterdam

Does it all make sense now?